Energy from Waste Facility, Jersey
Given the populated island location of Jersey, incineration of waste is the most viable solution to disposal. The existing incinerator in St Helier had reached the end of its useful life and this £100m scheme involved the construction of a new incinerator, but harnessing the energy to provide electrical power to the island.
Client: CNIM, Spie Batignolles & Camerons

Energy from Waste Facility, Jersey
Given the populated island location of Jersey, incineration of waste is the most viable solution to disposal. The existing incinerator in St Helier had reached the end of its useful life and this £100m scheme involved the construction of a new incinerator, but harnessing the energy to provide electrical power to the island.
The project was constructed by a consortium of French and local Contractors. The construction split itself into three main elements; the heavy reinforced concrete foundations and core structures, the steel structure enveloping this core, and the specialist fit out.
The steel frame structure was a complex design that required to support the environmental loadings applied as well as continual crane loads from the travelling cranes that distribute the waste. The original design of this steelwork was in question, and therefore Woolgar Hunter were employed by the design and build consortium, CSBC, as Civil and Structural Engineering Consultants, to undertake a 3rd party design and checking role on the steel frame structure.
This involved a full review of the structural design, site visits, liaison with the various specialist designers and detailed design of key elements in order to check compliance with the process design criteria and with the relevant Eurocodes.
As a result of Woolgar Hunter’s design input significant design and detailing alterations were made to strengthen key connections and elements that otherwise would have been subject to fatigue over time.
The project was constructed by a consortium of French and local Contractors. The construction split itself into three main elements; the heavy reinforced concrete foundations and core structures, the steel structure enveloping this core, and the specialist fit out.
The steel frame structure was a complex design that required to support the environmental loadings applied as well as continual crane loads from the travelling cranes that distribute the waste. The original design of this steelwork was in question, and therefore Woolgar Hunter were employed by the design and build consortium, CSBC, as Civil and Structural Engineering Consultants, to undertake a 3rd party design and checking role on the steel frame structure.
This involved a full review of the structural design, site visits, liaison with the various specialist designers and detailed design of key elements in order to check compliance with the process design criteria and with the relevant Eurocodes.
As a result of Woolgar Hunter’s design input significant design and detailing alterations were made to strengthen key connections and elements that otherwise would have been subject to fatigue over time.
Client: CNIM, Spie Batignolles & Camerons